Vice Principal
Vice Principal – Dr. S. Parmar
I joined The Cathedral School in May 2018, and needless to say, it is a journey that I am both delighted as well as honoured to be making. True education, in my opinion, is that which combines the elements of academic excellence with a larger social sensitivity that is founded on the principles of honesty, integrity and compassion. And these, I believe, are values that the Cathedral School exemplifies. In a world increasingly plagued by intolerance, insecurities, bitterness and violence, I believe our students stand out as proud and successful symbols of alternative narratives. As educators it is our responsibility to endeavor to guide and mould our students into capable citizens of tomorrow – into young men and women who live up to the highest standards of personal honour, and who combine within themselves the qualities of both intellect and empathy, knowledge and sensitivity, individuality and collaboration. This holistic synthesis, I believe, is what the Cathedral School stands for and it is to this inspiring tradition of education that I consider myself privileged to belong.
Dr. S. Parmar
Vice Principal
Awards and Achievements
School’s Achievements